Kalen Chock - iMasterArt

Kalen Chock
Concept Artist

Kalen Chock!

BIO: Kalen Chock è un Visual Development Artist, attualmente vive e lavora presso la Bay Area. Kalen ha lavorato per compagnie come Cryptozoic, Industrial Light and Magic, Autodesk, Fantasy Flight and Virtual Toys a Madrid.

Environment Design – Kalen parlerà e discuterà sull’environment design e racconterà il suo percorso artistico e tutto ciò che ha imparato durante il suo cammino lavorativo.

Engligh Version:

BIO: Kalen Chock is a Visual Development Artist currently working and living in the Bay Area. Kalen has worked for companies such as Cryptozoic, Industrial Light and Magic, Autodesk, Fantasy Flight and Virtual Toys in Madrid.

Environment Design – Kalen will be discussing and demonstrating environment design as well as his journey as an artist and all things he learned along the way.

Per vedere i lavori di Kalen visita: www.robotpencil.net/portfolio-kalen/

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